How to create a healthy work environment is a question every leader needs to ask. The average American worker spends 40% of their life at work. A healthy work environment is crucial to the success of an organization. Health and safety are two of the highest needs in life.
Great communication is crucial to create healthy work environments
Poor communication is frustrating and confusing. When communication is poor or incomplete it leaves a lot of room for misunderstandings. Misunderstandings can create discord between teams and leaders. Conflict that is not addressed allows room for assumptions. Assumptions turned into judgment. This creates lack of trust and dis-connection. A group that is not connected will not function well.
Bad communication leads to dis-connection and misunderstanding. When communication is done right it makes the whole organization better. Good communication happens daily and is accessible through multiple channels. Email, text, social media and even print can all be used to create a healthy work environment. When leaders, teams and customers understand the mission there is a higher chance of success.
No fear in feedback
A common work fear is giving or getting feedback. A healthy work environment must allow everyone, no matter what position they hold, to be able to give feedback. Fear of recourse or judgment keeps many from speaking up. Many emergencies and crises can be prevented if incidents are reported. Society asks us to pay attention and report “red flags”. However at the same time we are not to judge or make assumptions about others.
As a result many incidents or feelings of discomfort about safety don’t get reported. Nobody wants to be wrong about someone and get slack for that. This internal conflict is only more reason to create a healthy work environment that allows for feedback without fear of backlash or shaming.
Feedback is a two way street for a healthy work environment
In the same way work culture must create a safe space to receive feedback. Mutual respect in accepting and giving feedback creates a healthy work environment. When there is respect and good communication, success will follow. Every person should have the opportunity for enhanced training and to show growth without fear.
Appropriate boundaries in the workplace
Along with great communication comes appropriate boundaries. Leaders and employees alike must have clear boundaries. Healthy boundaries allow for improved work-life balance. Boundaries keep everyone safer. Loose unprofessional boundaries opens the door for violence and other rules and laws to be broken. Firm yet fair boundaries create a healthy and safe workplace.It is easier to spot red flags and avoid crises when the boundaries are known and communicated well.
Create a healthy work environment
It is possible to have a healthy experience in the workplace. Great communication is easier with emergency notification systems like Alert-com. Not only does it respond to any emergency or crisis that occurs. It can create open healthy communication in all areas of your organization. Get started with Alert Protection Services today.