Why Alert-Com Can Keep Your Church Safe

Why Alert-Com Can Keep Your Church Safe

Imagine one of your churchgoers is having a heart attack. You call 911, but your call is delayed. You panic, unable to give details as you try to assist the person. You lose valuable seconds. This situation can happen to you at your church, and you should prepare for that. As a pastor, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. You have to care and account for your whole congregation. It can be overwhelming at times, and you deserve to have fewer worries at church, especially during worship and prayer. Luckily, you have Alert Protection Services (APS). In emergencies, you can have a better way of keeping everyone safe and in good health. One of those ways is through a safety and emergency notification system, like Alert-Com. With Alert-Com, first responders respond in seconds.

Protect Your Church

What to Protect in Your Church and How to Protect It

Imagine this: you are about to walk into Sunday morning Mass when you are bombarded by protestors, putting you and your children at risk. You get to the front steps and notice the tabernacle open and destroyed. You fall to your knees as your stomach drops, feeling a lump in your throat. Your heart breaks, you’re worried for your children’s safety, and you wish you could’ve done something. Here’s the thing: you can do something. You must secure your church. Prevent any threat from happening; protect your church, know what and how to protect it. That is why you must install a safety technology before you take further steps, like Alert-Com. This technology can get you the help you need with the touch of a button. But first, let’s go over what to protect in your church.

3 Ways to Protect Your Church

3 Ways to Protect Your Church It’s Sunday. You’re sitting in church. It’s a beautiful morning. The sun is shining through stained-glass windows. Birds are chirping. You smile at those around you. You turn toward the person behind you and something catches your eye. The door is flung open. Someone dressed in all-black rushes in,…

Office Lockdown Protocol

Uh-oh. It’s that dreaded time again: revisiting your safety procedures. As an owner or leader of your business, you know it’s important to keep your people safe but danger can feel so distant. It seems like an active shooter threat will never happen to your place of business. But… if you’re honest with yourself, you…

Steps to Take in an Emergency

Do you wonder about disasters that have happened and if they could’ve been prevented? Or, imagine what it was like if those disasters didn’t have to end in death? We have a plan to change that. It’s called preparing for emergencies, and here are steps to take in an emergency. Prepare Preparation is key. That…