As a business owner, you prioritize the safety and well-being of both your staff and customers. Prioritizing the safety of everyone through education, training, and adding safety technology should remain at the top of your to-do list. Taking advantage of a simple safety technology like Alert-Com, an instant notification system designed to alert everyone of threats, is one of those ways you can effectively create a safer environment. So, how can you keep everyone safe? Here are three ways business leaders can make their businesses safer.
Business Leaders Can Make Their Businesses Safer by Education
Safety and threat awareness starts with education. Business leaders must educate to make their businesses safer. One of these things is the California Senate Bill 553 (SB 553), or “CA Bill”. This will require employees to train and be up-to-date on violence prevention, employers to provide a plan for violence prevention, and employers to keep a record of threats. To clarify, this encompasses a violence prevention plan, training, and recording and reporting of threats.
According to Jameson Ritter, a security leader and Director of Risk Services for Alert Protection Services (APS), these three things are the most critical components of the CA Bill,
“1) The need for a comprehensive workplace violence prevention program.
2) The need for employee training.
3) A reporting and documentation component for employees to report,”
Jameson Ritter, CTM, CPP, PSP, PCI
Safety technology is another component of educating your staff to ensure their safety, your safety, and your customers’ safety. We will dive into that later, but we highly recommend our technology Alert-Com.
Business Leaders Can Make Their Businesses Safer by Training
Training is one of the most effective ways to prepare for threats. This goes hand-in-hand with education. Educating your employees and training them properly creates memorable tactics for your employees to recall when facing a threat, giving motivation and allowing them to feel a sense of accomplishment. A few training tactics you can start on are these:
1) Self-defense. This is where employees should be encouraged to practice safe self-defense tactics like concealed carry, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, or the fight, flight, or hide response. Business leaders should stay updated with safety laws and regulations as well when it comes to self-defense for employees.
2) Office lockdown protocol. This is practicing safety measures when a threat occurs and the only option is to hide and lock down the office. Business leaders should stay updated with the most effective tactics when a lockdown occurs.
Training for threats and planning threat prevention is critical for business leaders to make their businesses safer. But one of the most effective ways to ensure safety is through technology, like our Alert-Com system.
Business Leaders Can Make Their Businesses Safer by Alert-Com
Alert-Com is how you can prepare and ensure a safe work environment. This safety technology is an instant notification emergency system that notifies authorities with the touch of a button. Utilizing Alert-Com will allow you to provide the specific location of your emergency at the workplace within the app and select which emergency you face (like a medical emergency). Doing so saves valuable seconds for first responders to reach you.
Why Alert-Com? Studies show that there are multiple benefits to using an app-based security system. Here are those benefits:
“1) Decreasing delay in notifying emergency services
2) Enhancing employee communication during a crisis
3) Accounting for and communicating with employees
4) Empowering employees to initiate notifications,”
The Critical Role of Rapid Notification and Communication in Crisis Management: App-Based Solutions as Life Safety Devices by Jameson Ritter, CTM, CPP, PSP, PCI
Alert-Com gives you and your employees the chance. You can get the fast response you deserve. Contact us if you have more questions about how Alert-Com can help you.
Further reading:
3 Things You Didn’t Know About California Bill SB 553
3 Steps for Safety Communication with Employees
Navigating California’s SB 553: A Comprehensive Guide to Workplace Violence Prevention Compliance by Jameson Ritter, CTM, CPP, PSP, PCI
The Critical Role of Rapid Notification and Communication in Crisis Management: App-Based Solutions as Life Safety Devices by Jameson Ritter, CTM, CPP, PSP, PCI