You’re closing down the office, it’s late. You start shutting off lights and lock up the back door to the dark alleyway. Hands grab you, covering your mouth. Your screams are muffled. You can’t escape… Does this sound horrible? We agree, and we hope you never face something like that. We can help. APS is an expert in safety. We have a few self-defense tips that can help. Continue reading below.
Sef-Defense Tips: Awareness
The first thing to save you from a horrible situation like the one described is to be aware. Pay attention. Get off your phone. When you are leaving work, or are alone in places that could be dangerous (like an alleyway in the city), notice your surroundings. Plan where you can make a fast exit. Look around instead of at the ground. Trust your gut and use common sense, especially if something feels suspicious. Don’t be afraid to ask a coworker or someone else to be with you (especially at night).
Remember these:
- Phone away
- Look around
- Exit plan
- Don’t be alone if it feels wrong
Ways to help remember these tips is to remember a keyword, make it rhyme, and repeat it.
If You Need to Defend Yourself Physically
If there is no way out of a situation except to fight, you should remember these things. Stand ready, where your weight is evenly distributed, and your hands are up, with a slight bend to your knees. If an attacker grabs your arm, rip it out of their grasp by whipping it straight back. When you have them grabbing your clothes, grip the clothing they have in their hand, grab their wrist, and push it away. If an attacker goes for your throat, raise your arms so their hands are squished by your shoulders, and spin away. In another instance where they grab your throat but with their arm, you can tuck your chin, pull down on their arm, bend, and back out, pushing them away.
Here’s that broken down:
- Understand & have experience with a weapon 1st
- Stand supportive
- Swing your arm down
- Grab & push wrist
- Raise arms, spin away
- Tuck chin, pull down on their arm, bend & back out
Ignore those people who say you are over-preparing for an emergency. You never know when you’ll face something like this, or even help someone who might face this situation. You could save more people than yourself. That’s where we come in.
When it comes down to it, you only have seconds to defend yourself. These self-defense tips are simple, and if you remember them, they may help if you are in a situation where you need them. We hope you are never in a situation like that. Your best case scenario is to have APS’s app; Alert-Com. By simply touching the button, you can immediately alert 911 to find you and help. Make sure you start by contacting APS to know what is most appropriate.
6 Self-Defense Basics Everyone Should Know
P.S. Here is another source that has some helpful tips: Basic Self-Defense Moves