Alert-Com school

Alert-Com, is it right for your school?

As a school administrator, you have a lot of responsibility weighing on your shoulders. You take your staff and students’ safety into consideration daily and collaborate with everyone on how to serve them best. One thing you desperately hope to never witness is a school shooting. School shootings should be something unimaginable. They should never happen. These horrible events have taken too many innocent lives. You wonder how to stop them, and if you are prepared for an attack. Have you considered Alert-Com, and is it right for your school?

3 Ways Business Leaders Can Make Their Businesses Safer

3 Ways Business Leaders Can Make Their Businesses Safer

As a business owner, you prioritize the safety and well-being of both your staff and customers. Prioritizing the safety of everyone through education, training, and adding safety technology should remain at the top of your to-do list. Taking advantage of a simple safety technology like Alert-Com, an instant notification system designed to alert everyone of threats, is one of those ways you can effectively create a safer environment. So, how can you keep everyone safe? Here are 3 ways business leaders can make their businesses safer.